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Writer's pictureSelene

Lion's Gate 2024

Lion's Gate Portal

The portal opens from July 28 to August 12, 2024, usually the hottest summer days.

The portal peak is August 8 (8.8.8 Month, Day, Universal Year)

May you be strong in your soul and firm on your feet.

The brightest star on a cloudless night

Some kind of miracle, almost empty sky...

Just as the bite of the blade wakes the absent mind

There's time to dream, and there's time to open your eyes.

Dave Matthews

The Star Sirius signals us to open our eyes and embrace our reality with courage and faith. The Serenity Prayer personifies this. Spirit, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 

You can't create energetic "magic" with your eyes closed. A strong foundation encourages creativity and passion. A successful chef needs to source the ingredients for his/her masterpieces. She needs solid utensils, food safety, and a well-maintained kitchen. Using skill, knowledge, and intuition, she creates her magic with open eyes (and a passionate heart). She uses the best ingredients that are presently available. And she doesn't focus on what she doesn't have but actively uses what she does. She makes magic by drawing on the lessons of past mistakes and the confidence gained from her successes. Yes, she takes time to dream and ponder her future masterpieces as she builds a solid base for her achievements. But Rome was not built in a day, and the perfect meal in an hour. Sacred Magic takes work, dedication, and faith.


The Lion's Gate Portal opens when the Sun in Leo aligns with the star Sirius, Orion's Belt and Earth. As the Sun passes the star yearly, Sirius becomes visible again, inspiring hope and magical opportunity.


Sirius (the Alpha star of the Canis Major constellation) is the brightest star in the sky and is considered a Spiritual Sun. The Egyptians used the annual rising of this star as a sign that the Nile River would begin its annual flood, nourishing a bleak landscape with the promise of harvest and fertility.

 Message from the Spirit of Lion's Gate


A Higher Light emerges from the darkness of the night sky. You are not asked to save the world before you save yourself. Light the Candle of Newness within your heart and nourish its brightness, then move outward into the world. Newness must be sheltered as a new baby is protected. Don't spread the seeds of your brightness before they have matured. Prepare before emerging. Have firm feet before you appear cloaked in the Newness of your Vibration. Delicate beginnings that are treasured and nourished can produce beautiful creations in the fullness of time. You are asked to follow a new timetable as the New World unfolds in its radiance. The Spiritual Sun acknowledges the Higher Light of Newness that now gently burns within your heart. 



Create a Lion's Gate Ceremony using

your own words and beliefs.


It is a powerful day to manifest your desires. 

Create Sacred Intentions. 

Light a Candle.


Place hands over the Heart Chakra in the center of your chest.

Repeat your Sacred Intentions.

Three times.


Also, if it resonates with your soul,

Repeat this Sacred Declaration

(or one that aligns with your Sacred Knowingness).

Three times.  


I light the Candle of Newness

on the Sacred Altar that lives in my heart.

I am grateful that a Higher Light now burns within me,

and I nourish it with love and dedication.

I allow it to grow in the highest way and timing.

I am blessed.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

May you be strong in your soul

and firm on your feet.


Warm Wishes, Selene

Angel Weave Intuitive, Sacred Energy Healer,

and Soul Blogger


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