Simple Sacred Courage
Updated: Jan 27, 2024
Simple Sacred Courage
New Moon in Scorpio
November 13, 2023, 1.27 a.m. PST
9.27 a.m. GMT(UTC)
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Winston Churchill
Scorpio is a water sign, but it contains a smouldering fire. This fire emerges from Scorpio's dark recesses of the soul. Full of mystery and passion, the fire can erupt at inappropriate times, causing wreckage and disaster. But the fire is pure. It is beautiful and holds the Great Mother's wisdom and warmth. The problem is its suppression. A fire needs to burn brightly; it needs oxygen, light, and fuel. But if the fire is suppressed for too long, its flames will build and boil. And then there is an explosion. You have fire building in your soul, which needs your love and nourishment. It is your Life Force, a Gift from the Divine. It is to be respected and honoured. Don't ignore it, or worse, abuse its power. And for this Life Force to express its true potential, it must be guided and taught how to exist in your present world. Imagine your Life Force, your Fire, as a wild horse that, if trained, will be productive and content. But, if undisciplined, it will run unrestrained and confused in an unforgiving landscape, ending in loneliness and despair. Do you have the Sacred Courage to train your wild horse into a superb expression of the Great Mother's love and compassion? There are many wild horses loose in our world, and we need to be able to deal with them with a higher consciousness. We must up our game and go higher on the Awareness Mountain. Change happens as the New Moon activates a portal to new opportunities and delights. And as the Fire of Change ignites, it digs up old resentments and hurts. And this is a problem if not healed. Because many have preconceived images of what change should look like. And unfortunately, their future imaginings are often coloured by the unhealed hurts that live deep within their souls. And this is part of what causes conflict and drama in the world. Karma is meant to teach and heal, not cause revenge and devastation. How many of your dreams are influenced by who you want to impress or surpass? Who has hurt you in the past, and now you wish to provoke them with your success? You see, you are still being controlled by past hurts, which interfere with creating a future that enhances you rather than keeps you stuck in the past. Set Sacred Intentions for your highest good rather than what you think will make you happy. Many people manifest what they think they want but still need more to feel satisfied. It is much like eating junk food - you may enjoy it but later crave more nourishment. Spirit knows your higher good! And it is time to surrender to the unknown by creating solid Sacred Intentions and embracing what arrives. I often add "This or something better" when I build intentions.
Lady Moon's (aka Moon Goddess) New Moon Message
My New Moon offers a reset of your emotions. Dig deep and heal past hurts and betrayals. By acknowledging what controls you, change can happen in a higher way. But if you refuse to forgive, the change will mirror your past. And change is happening. The world's transformation is accelerating, and 2024 brings a profound karmic rebalancing. My New Moon offers a way through the emotional swamp to a higher perception of your life. Remember, you have transformed, and perhaps, your opponents have matured. But it matters not even if they have stalled - focus only on releasing the trauma from your soul. Embrace Simple Sacred Courage as you move into an unknown higher vision of your world. Then, Scorpio's symbol of the scorpion transforms into the Sacred Eagle.
A suggested Sacred Intention for your New Moon Ceremony
Create a Sacred Intention using your
own words & beliefs.
*My Sacred Intention will be*
Thank you, Angels and Moon Goddess, for the Sacred Courage to look deeply into my soul.
As I accept and forgive my past, I move gracefully into my highest future,
though it may be unknown and unexpected.
I align with my (and my loved ones) highest good.
This or something better.
I send you my Warmest Wishes, Selene
Angel Weave Intuitive, Sacred Energy Healer, & Soul Blogger
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Image by Lori Menna (Cosmic Collage)