The 2024 Karma Bank
Updated: Feb 28, 2024
The Universal 2024 Karma Bank
Surrender to the Highest Good.
Alignment with the Highest Good helps
to balance your Karmic Accounts
in the Universal Karma Bank.
The Spirit of 2024 has been gradually whispering her secrets but has yet to fully reveal herself. January is a transitional karmic month that allows us to release what no longer serves before the Spirit of 2024 makes her grand entrance. Her presence is waiting behind a gold curtain, listening to our Intentions and examining Vision Boards.
Interestingly, she approaches as female. Perhaps Karma and its mysteries are female energies, but I am unsure. In fact, this 2024 Lady is teaching me to open my arms and eyes to fresh spiritual concepts and ways of being. I am meeting 2024 with a Beginners Mind.
The Lady showed me images of a Karmic Bank. 2024 is a significant year because the aware people (those of us who have been healing and growing, especially over the past few years) have been banking good Karma during this time (and the "interest rates" have been phenomenal).
I am told one of the foundations of 2024 is balancing Karma - in a new, graceful way. Suppose we pay attention to minor karmic occurrences (a situation or person that is upsetting but not catastrophic). We can start paying off significant karmic debts relatively quickly in that case. An example is that we owe $100,000 to the Karmic Bank - well, all of a sudden, each dollar we pay off has a value of $1,000 - meaning we can pay off that debt by only spending $100.
The whole concept of Karma is very complex (too complex for most human minds), so the Angels always tell me to keep it simple and relatable when I try to understand a spiritual concept. I am not a Spiritual Scholar and probably never will be. I like receiving wisdom in simple symbols that my Higher Self will understand. Usually, I am given a Spiritual Shorthand.
We have good Karma and challenging Karma that have made deposits and withdrawals from our Karma Bank over many lifetimes. Though someone may be a good person in this present life, she still may feel stress and have unfortunate situations without knowing why (past life experiences).
Karma is a teacher who allows us to grow and become free of emotional burdens. Pay attention when the Universe sends messages because the Universe is telling you a story. I had one message "underlined" recently. I pulled an Oracle Card that said: Talk Less; Feel More. A virus appeared that evening, and I could not speak for seven days. The virus lingered for two more weeks before I fully recovered my voice. During my illness, I started to "feel the world" on a soul level. It made me realize that an ever-present yearning in my heart had been seeking this soul connection with the outer world. The Universe was communicating a beautiful story of kinship to a more extensive, purposeful network of souls - the Highest Good. It moved me from focusing on "my" highest good to the magical vibrancy of "the" Highest Good.
You will have experiences this year that show how much you have grown during the past year. Using the word experience rather than challenge can give you power in what may seem restricting. By learning and growing in this situation, you gain confidence in dealing with future outer chaos and drama.
The Spirit of 2024 teaches that dealing with relatively minor experiences using awareness and growth can prevent future significant upheavals that force us to transform. It gives us strength and confidence within ourselves. What we fear helps to create our reality. If the fear is transformed, then it does not have the power to create new fear-based scenarios in the future. Pay attention to the small stuff. Remember the example of owing $100,000 to the Karmic Bank - each dollar we pay off has a value of $1,000 - meaning we can pay off that debt by only spending $100. Use awareness in the more minor stuff to avoid a dramatic shake-up.
The gift of paying attention to the absence of my voice was a beautiful awakening to a higher way of connection.
2024 is about removing Karmic Blocks, so your life can flow aligned with the Highest Good (which is better than just your Highest Good because it puts you into a Magical Flow of Life that is unique - still challenging - but so much more fulfilling).
A suggested 2024 Intention (use your own words):
The Light within me aligns with the Highest Good
and creates Miracles in my Life.
I am aligning with the Highest Good and
creating Miracles in my Life.
Happy 2024 Wishes!
My Warmest Wishes, Selene
Angel Weave Intuitive, Sacred Energy Healer,
and Soul Blogger
Image of Smiling Woman by Elena Medvedeva