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Writer's pictureSelene

What was your Inner Dragon smoking in 2024?

What was your Inner Dragon smoking in 2024?

Being a candle is not easy.

In order to give light, one

must first burn.


Finally, 2024's Dragon is starting to release his grip,

and a seductive, mysterious Snake slithers in

to claim 2025!

I am tired! My Inner Dragon was uncomfortably active this year, burning his way through my karma and emotions. Though I have transformed unexpectedly and profoundly, I need to calm down and enjoy life for a while. Are you listening to me, 2025 Snake?


Of course, the Snake is officially crowned on Chinese New Year (January 29). The New Moon on Monday, December 30 (the last of 2024) is a rare Black Moon, the second New Moon in a month. It will also begin a countdown to one of the year's culturally significant New Moons, precisely one moon cycle to Wood Snake's coronation.


What was my Inner Dragon smoking this year? A combination of determination and skill to knock down any barriers I had erected to protect me from growth and realizations of inconvenient truths. It didn't matter that I had not wanted to open doors that had been firmly shut in the past. Refusing to hear my pleas of "I am not ready," my Dragon burned holes through these doors and forced me through them. Ok, I have dramatic tendencies, so perhaps I appreciated some of the destruction, especially when I found myself finally free of limitations and addictions. Addictions come in many forms. They distract you from what is essential. Eating sugar was a major one for me, but it can also be hidden addictions that interfere with the flow of life.


Feeling and honouring certain emotions are challenging for many. That is when distractions and addictions take control. And the key to 2025 success is active feeling. Our Sacral Chakra (the energetic centre in the lower abdomen, just below the navel) is being transformed. You may notice your body reacting to certain foods that cause a diet change. We need to accept emotions as powerful indicators of where we are in life. They signal imbalance and upset. Allow yourself to actively feel. Otherwise, suppressed feelings and emotions take control of you in destructive ways.


What was your Inner Dragon smoking in 2025? It is crucial to look back and embrace the experiences of the year. Dragons may leave blackened fields that offer wisdom, transformation, and freedom. 2024 was a Karmic Year. Karma needed to be transformed, and the Dragon's Fire aided this. 

Luna's Moon Message


My New Year begins on the New Moon next month. The Snake snatches the power ring from the greedy claws of the Dragon. They both signify transformation. The Dragon burns karma while the Snake sneakily exposes secrets that force change. I will watch the coming year with interest and fascination. The Snake will shed her old skin in mysterious and wondrous ways. As you, my beautiful awakened souls, will. Please take the coming month to recuperate and rest. Create time to reflect on how you have raised your awareness and light. You shine brightly now, though Dragon's Smoke may still cling to your skin. That is why you need the silky snake to teach you how to shed your old skin fully. Snakes are seductive, sly, and wise. They move slowly with focus and determination. Be open to learning New Ways of Being.


New Moon in Capricorn

December 30, 2024, 2.27 a.m. PST,

10.27 am GMT(UTC)


Design a New Moon Sacred Ceremony using

your own words and beliefs.


Create a New Moon Sacred Intention. 

Light a Candle.


Open to the knowledge that other like-minded souls are joining

energetically to this Sacred Ceremony.

Because this Sacred Ceremony is timeless,

you can join at any time.

You are part of a Sacred Circle that is aligned with

the Highest Good of All

(which includes your Highest Good). 


Place hands over the Heart Chakra in the center of your chest.

Repeat your Sacred Intention.

Three times.


My Sacred Intention will be: 


I align with my Highest Good in 2025!

May you be strong in your soul

and firm on your feet.


Warm Wishes, Selene

Angel Weave Intuitive, Sacred Energy Healer,

and Soul Blogger


Dragon Image by Mike Schiano


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