You Don't Own Me!
You Don't Own Me!
Full Moon in Capricorn
July 21, 3:17 am PDT/11:17 am BST(10:17 am UTC)
You Don't Own Me
I'm not just one of your many toys
You don't own me
Don't say I can't go with other boys
And don't tell me what to do
Don't tell me what to say
And please, when I go out with you
Don't put me on display 'cause
You don't own me
Don't try to change me in any way
You don't own me
Song by Leslie Gore
Songwriters: David White / John Madara
Who or what owns you? Are you feeling the recent Karmic Shake? 2024 is a profound Karmic Year; all your deep desires, fears, and unknowns surface. I am surprised by how past experiences (that I had thought were long dealt with) keep appearing. Childhood trauma has left me stunned by the realization that it has controlled my entire life. I am grateful that 2024 has drawn this spiritual poison to the surface so it can be transformed. Part of the transformation is accepting that it happened and then forgiving it by taking ownership of my personal space. I am the Queen of my Inner Kingdom; no one else can own me except me. And I am worthy of having the kingdom, though others would have me think I am less than I am. It is not my job to heal those who have bullied and manipulated me but to open the door of my Inner Cage and declare, "You don't own me. I am free of your influence." As I leave my self-imposed jail, I become a co-creator with Spirit in my new life chapter.
What is Spirit highlighting for you doing this karmic year? What owns you? It could be a belief or way of life that no longer supports you. Perhaps memories of past traumas colour your approach to life. Were you manipulated to believe that you were less than the manipulator? Do you carry fears of rejection because of past relationships, careers, or actions? Did the jealousy of others make you feel less attractive? What urges you to compare yourself to others and feel wanting? What motivates you to please others, even at the expense of your self-worth?
Knowing you live in a cage is more important than being clear on what it is. Do you wish to leave the cage, or does its safety have value? Remember, timing is everything. If you are not ready to go, it is your decision. Interestingly, even making this decision still helps you reclaim your soul.
The world is in a massive transformation and getting more and more crazy. Claiming ownership of your Inner Kingdom helps you deal with surrounding chaos and storms. You can become the Eye of the Storm for others.
Luna's Moon Goddess Message
What are you waiting for? Do you enjoy being owned? It is OK if you do. My Full Moon sings a song of ownership, awareness, and love. If you like your cage, stay in it. But if you wish to experience the joy of personal transformation and fly higher and more unrestricted, do so. I do not judge; I only shine awareness on your situation. Cages are fine. Opening the cage and flying is better. But it is all in timing, and you must do what feels the best. Enjoy this cycle of my moon as I have created it for the ones who wish to expand and move into the Energy of Newness. Ouch, do you say? Yes, it does involve emotional upset as you transform your prison. But it is worth the discomfort.
Birth is painful and mysterious, but it creates the joy of achievement and love. My power, derived from the depths of a dark night and the mysteries of the unknown, is a source of courage, vitality, and wisdom. My power aligns with your Highest Good as I bless you with this power; I send you the courage, vitality, and wisdom to open your cage door. Play music as you do your Moon Ceremony. The music activates my Blessing of Love and Freedom. Your Inner Soul can never be owned. It is an illusion that your jailer whispers to you. If someone or something makes you feel less than others, it is time to claim your kingdom and become the King or Queen of your Inner Landscape.
Various artists have covered "You Don't Own Me."
I have been listening to Nikki William's rendition.
You can listen to it on various platforms, like
Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube.
(I use Spotify.)
Create a Full Moon Ceremony using
your own words and beliefs.
Light a candle.
Play music that energizes your heart and soul.
Luna wants music, so give it to her
as she sends her Blessing of Love and Freedom!
Dance, Move, or Be Still.
Whatever your body feels like doing.
Create a ceremony of passion, gratitude, and focus.
You deserve to be free!
Place hands over the Heart Chakra in the center of your chest.
Repeat this Sacred Declaration (or one that resonates with your heart).
Three times.
The more people chant this Sacred Declaration
the more energy it has.
Imagine being part of a gathering of like-minded souls,
chanting it joyfully under this powerful Full Moon.
You can energetically join this group ceremony at any time.
Remember: You are not broken; you don't need to be fixed.
"I am grateful that I am transformed and whole.
I claim my sovereignty.
I am the Master of Me
and Co-Creator with the Universe
in the Highest Way."
May you be strong in your soul
and firm on your feet.
Warm Wishes, Selene
Angel Weave Intuitive, Sacred Energy Healer,
and Soul Blogger
Full Moon Cage Image by Marsh Mallow Fairbanks