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Welcome to Selene's Spiritual Services

Simple Sacred Alignment

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Divine Feminine Angel Weave

Angel Weaving, a powerful tool that aligns you with a Natural Way of Being,

empowers you to reach into your true potential.

Angel Weaving offers the unique experience of an Ancient Goddess Energy flowing through your soul space for twenty-one days. You have the freedom to choose the journey's Intention, and the Angelic Energies will gently guide you to your destination, weaving a Natural Way of Being as the Sacred Feminine expresses her wisdom with clarity and simplicity.


A 90-minute Session of Angelic Guidance, Energy Healing, and Uplift activates the 21-day journey, focusing Spirit into daily living and future goals. The Ancient Sacred Feminine Awareness, a key player in this unique adventure, engages you throughout.


90-minute Zoom Session, $ CAD 129

(A Birthday Promotion of $ CAD 115 is available during your birth month.)

Follow-up Angel Weave 60-minute Zoom Session, $ CAD 50 For those seeking additional clarity and energy work, this 60-minute Zoom Session is available during the 30 days after the original Angel Weave is completed.

Angel Intuitive Session


Cards, Clarity, & Energetic Uplift

Oracle Cards, Angels, and Energy Healing are tools and companions that help clarify your questions and concerns. This hour emphasizes practicality, sacredness, and respect while maintaining a sense of fun and lightness.

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60-minute Zoom Angel Intuitive Session, $ CAD 85

(A Birthday Promotion of $ CAD 75 is available during your birth month.)


Payment is made through PayPal, Credit Card,

or Bank Interac e-Transfer.

(please note my clients are 19 years or older)

It will be lovely to connect with you.

Please be informed that Selene's Spiritual Services are not intended to diagnose, treat, care for, cure or prevent any medical, psychological or health-related conditions. No physical healing is done. The spiritual healing and energy work are intended to complement and support treatment by your licensed healthcare professional. Selene is not a licensed medical or healthcare professional.

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